This Privacy Policy establishes the terms by which Certintex S.A.C. uses and protects the information that is provided by its users when using its website. Certintex S.A.C. is committed to the security of its users' data. When we ask you to fill out personal information fields to contact us, we do so by ensuring that it will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document.
Information that is collected
Our website may collect personal information such as Names, email addresses and demographic information.
Use of collected information
Our website uses the information in order to provide the best possible service, particularly to maintain a record of users, orders if applicable, and improve our products and services. E-mails may be sent periodically through our site with special offers, new products and other advertising information which we consider relevant to you or which may have some benefit. These emails will be sent to the address you provide and it can be cancelled at any time.
Certintex S.A.C. is deeply dedicated to upholding its responsibility to maintain the security of your information. We employ state-of-the-art systems and consistently update them to guarantee that unauthorized access is prevented.
A cookie is a file sent with the intent of seeking permission to be stored on your computer. Once accepted, this file is created and serves the purpose of gathering information about web traffic, as well as simplifying future visits to a frequently accessed website. Another key function of cookies is that they enable websites to recognize users individually, thus allowing for the delivery of tailored and personalized services on the website.
Our website utilizes cookies to identify visited pages and their frequency. This information is strictly used for statistical analysis and is subsequently permanently deleted. You have the option to delete cookies from your computer at any time. It's important to note that cookies enhance the quality of service on websites but do not grant access to your computer or personal information unless you voluntarily provide it.
You can choose to accept or decline the use of cookies; however, most browsers automatically accept them to improve web service. You also have the ability to adjust your computer settings to decline cookies, though doing so may limit your access to certain parts of our services.
Control of Your Personal Information
You maintain control over the collection and use of personal information provided to our website. When filling out forms, such as the user registration form, you can choose whether or not to receive information via email by checking or unchecking the respective option. If you previously opted to receive our newsletter or advertising, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Rest assured that this company will not sell, transfer, or distribute your personal information without your explicit consent unless compelled to do so by a court order issued by a judge.